Friday, July 11, 2008

Top Ten Ways to Improve Your Life Instantly!

Some of these instant life improvement techniques are from other articles I've written and some are brand new. I've consolidated them into a top ten list. These tips will help to improve your life right now.

1. Think of all the things you appreciate in your life and write them down. That's right, appreciation and gratitude is a great way to improve your mood. No matter how bad your situation is, you always have something to be grateful for. Focusing on the things you appreciate about your life is an amazing way to feel good.

2. Give Something Away: Have a friend who could use something you have? Giving is a great way to feel good. Someone feeling gratitude towards you is the ultimate reward. Show someone you love or care about how much you appreciate them by giving them something (preferably something that they'll actually use.)

3. Exercise: That's right, go for a run, a jog, a swim or a walk. Do anything that gets your heart pumping and your blood flowing. Afterward, you will be in a great mood, guaranteed.

4. Meditate: Go to a comfortable place, feel your body relax, focus on your breathing and clear your mind for a while. The process of meditation is amazingly helpful.

5. Focus on What You Want: Ever find yourself thinking about all the things that are wrong with your life? Have you ever stopped and thought about what you actually want to have happen in a positive way? Just by doing this you will start to feel excited.

6. Get Some Sunshine: Even if it is a rainy day, put on your rain coat and go outside. The sun is still out somewhere, and it is just waiting to make you feel better. Sunshine is an amazing gift, and being close to nature and fresh air will always do you good.

7. Learn Something New: Learning something new is an amazing way to mix things up and have you feeling excited. Do something that you would not normally do. Don't worry if you aren't any good at it. Just try! It will add new experiences to your repertoire.

8. Wake Up: Focus on the moment. Your mind can be mean sometimes. It likes to think about the future and the past and only focus on the negative. Don't let your mind do that to you. Live in the moment and don't worry too much about the past or the future. The only thing you have control over is this moment!

9. Lighten Up: Watch a funny move. Laugh. Do anything that makes you happy. Life is supposed to be fun. If you are sad, the moment is wasted. Get into the flow of well being. Your mind makes things out to be more serious than they actually are.

10. Forgive: Make the choice, right now, to forgive yourself and others. Let go and forget about any mistakes you have made, because they don't matter. Forgive others who have treated you poorly, because they're opinions do not make you who you are. Only you can control who you are, so choose not to be angry and hateful towards yourself and everyone else. Forgiveness is the most powerful tool, (next to gratitude) that you have in your journey towards a better life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! this is a great write-up, nice and straight to the point ways to Improve ones live. Anyone able to stick to these thing religiously will surely improve his/her Life in no time. More Ink to your Pen

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